

14th International Congress on Tourism and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). 19-20 October 2023. Malaga, Spain

Mesegué-Basallo, M.A., Martí-Ochoa, J., Ferrer-Rosell, B., & Martin-Fuentes, E. (2023). Assessing Tourists’ Perception of ‘Smartness’ in a destination: A case study of Tenerife Island in Turitec.

ENTER 2024

31st Annual International eTourism Conference Conference. 17-19 January 2024. Izmir, Turkey 

Mellinas, J. P., & Martin-Fuentes, E. (2024). The Complex World of Online Reviews: Criteria for Establishing a Global Index for Accommodation in ENTER, Izmir, Turkey.

Martí-Ochoa, J., Ferrer-Rosell, B., & Martin-Fuentes, E. (2024). Tourist Perspectives on Smart Tourism Destinations from TripAdvisor Reviews in ENTER, Izmir, Turkey.

Martí-Ochoa, J., Martin-Fuentes, E., & Ferrer-Rosell, B. (2024). Airbnb’s Reviews: A Reliable Source for Tourism Research in ENTER, Izmir, Turkey.


The 10th edition of the international Workshop on Compositional Data Analysis. 3-7 June 2024. Girona, Spain
Vega-Ventura, A., Ferrer-Rosell, B., & Martin-Fuentes, E. (2024). Perturbation Difference: Decomposing the Hospitality Distribution Market Share of Price and Units Sold.


The Tourism, Hospitality and Events INternational Conference. 5-7 June 2024. Amsterdam, Netherlands
Di Nolfo, C., Martin-Fuentes, E. & Mellinas, J.P. (2024). Analysing the level of accessibility of hotels. In THE INC Proceedings ISBN: 9789090381466 (
Marti-Ochoa, J., Martin-Fuentes, E. & Rosell-Ferrer, B. (2024). Sentiment Analysis of #TravelTuesdayContent on TikTok. In THE INC Proceedings ISBN: 9789090381466 (

AIRSI 2024

The Metaverse Conference. 10-12 June 2024. Zaragoza, Spain
Marti-Ochoa, J., Martin-Fuentes, E. & Rosell-Ferrer, B. (2024). User Sentiment in Online and In-Person Airbnb Experience Reviews. In AIRSI 2024 Proceedings
Martínez-González, L., Mondéjar-Jiménez, J. A.; Sicilia & M.; Palazon, M. Smart hotels: are they loved or hated by tourists? A study of customer online reviews on Booking. In AIRSI 2024 Proceedings

EMAC 2024

The 53rd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy. 28-31 May 2024. Bucharest

Mellinas, J.P., Riquelme, I, Lopez -Perez, M. Beyond the Rollercoaster: Theme Park Satisfaction Changes Beyond the Pandemic. In EMAC 2024 THE 53RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN MARKETING ACADEMY (Bucharest).